
jz's rambles

#814 没有榜样的日子

YouTube has been and still is something that i love doing, it’s a side hustle, it’s my passion project, and honestly, I don’t want to turn it into a job, the best analogy that can come up with to summarize my worries is if you do what you love for a job, it might end up the same as setting your favorite song as your alarm.

YouTube 过去是,现在也是我喜欢做的事情,它是我的副业,是我的激情项目,老实说,我不想把它变成一份工作,我能想出的最好的比喻来概括我的担忧,那就是如果你把自己喜欢的事情当成工作来做,最终可能会像把自己最喜欢的歌曲设置成闹钟一样。